Labels:dialog box | monitor | sky | window OCR: Auto ERSEESSEESSEESSELSSEESSELSSELSEELSEELSEELSEELSEELSEELSEERSEELSEELSEESSEESSEESSE Do have VESA compliant Honitor? EESSE Just quick note before you install UniVBE /Pro EELEE UniVBE/Pro comes with the UniPOWER screensaver utilities for VESA DPHS compliant Pouer Hanagement Video Monitors (also called Creen or 'Energy Star' compli iant monitor) If you dont have one of these monitors click NO and the EESSE Uni POWER utilities vill not be installed. If you are not EETEE sure most nonitors made after about January 1994 are DPMS compl iant EETEE E1EE EEESE EESEESEEEEEEESEEEEEEESEEEEEEESEEESEEESEEESEEEEEEEEEEESEEESEETSEETSEEEEEEESEEEEE UniVB copyright (C 1995 SciTech 11 Rignt Reservec utilitiea